
Claudia’s easy peasy gray coverage team – complete with de rigueur ugly, old towel…

A short while ago I wrote about how, in the interest of time-saving, I’ve decided to try out doing my own beauty maintenance as opposed to going to professionals. My attempt at doing my own pedicure was a solid first try and it spurred me on. The next daunting task I attacked was coloring my stray gray hairs myself.

Please understand two things: First, I am absolutely NOT one of those women that knows how to do her own hair. I can barely blow dry it properly, I couldn’t do an updo if you paid me, and even my ponytails are feeble. Second, I absolutely LOVE my stylist, Kristina Peltier. She is a genius with everything having to do with hair and she is also my friend. I love going to the salon and catching up with her and watching her transform me into an improved version of myself. So doing my own hair, even if it was just covering the dumb grays at my hairline, was an unpleasant idea. I decided to just jump in.

For my intro into home hair color, I chose Clairol’s Nice and Easy Root Touch up. I liked that it had a color that seemed to match my own and I liked that it had the word “easy” on the box. The directions looked complicated, but when I actually read them they seemed pretty do-able. I put on the little flimsy gloves and got to work…

Let me tell you – it really was nice AND easy! Nice because it wasn’t a disaster and easy because well, all I had to do was this:

Gloves on.
Squeeze entire color tube into the little bowl.
Pour entire color activator into the little bowl.
Mix with brush thingy.
Brush mix on your grays with brush thingy.
Wait 10 minutes.

That’s it!!!! Seriously? I’m stoked. Not only am I going to save a ton of time, I also won’t have to walk around with mascara in my hair for weeks because I can’t get in for an appointment. Don’t get me wrong, I will always look forward to my big time hair appointments with Kristina – cut, color, highlights – but for our in-between gossip/grays catch up sessions, we’ll have to actually make a real plan and go out. Win. Win.

Claudia, WCM

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